Il sistema regionale è un’organizzazione a rete che favorisce il perseguimento di obiettivi condivisi di educazione all’ambiente e alla sostenibilità, attraverso azioni ed iniziative sviluppate in collaborazione con le varie amministrazioni, enti, organismi, associazioni operanti nel settore dell’educazione alla sostenibilità.
The Metropolitan City of Cagliari has initiated an intervention aimed at strengthening the INFEAS Network with the aim of contributing to the growth of the skills and professionalism of the Owners and Managers of the CEAS, the Technical Group and the Regional Coordination, encouraging the exchange of good practices and the innovation of educational methods.
The general objective of the intervention consists of the reorganization and restructuring of the INFEAS Network of Sardinia, through internal consolidation actions of the Network, in order to enable the development of the forms of collaboration, cooperation and innovation on sustainability issues (environmental, economic and social) that can be continuous and unitary over time.
The intervention will be carried out through specific actions aimed at:
- promoting the exchange of good practices between all CEAS (accredited and non-accredited) and networking with individuals and institutions represented in the INFEAS Technical Group through: a laboratory for the definition of good practices, a laboratory for improvement mutual knowledge between CEAS and a laboratory for the improvement of relationship between the Owners and Managers of the CEAS;
- strengthening the links and skills and improving the training offer aimed for the Network, through deepening, innovation and sharing of methodological tools required to design and evaluate educational programs aimed for a multiplicity of recipients, in line with INFEAS System and its purposes.